Request ID: cfg_rRequest_3001

Status : Approved
Project Description : The purpose of this request is to perform the analysis of Streptosporangium roseum fucosidase protein containing a fucosidase domain, an NPCBM domain and an F-type lectin domain, on the glycan array.
CFG Member : Not Member
Requester First Name : Ramya
Requester Last Name : TNC
Head of Lab First Name : Ramya
Head of Lab Last Name : TNC
Assigned First Name : Ramya
Assigned Last Name : TNC
Requester Email :
Requester Interest : Information not entered/not applicable.
Request Date [yyyy-mm-dd] : 2014-01-30
Institution : Institute of Microbial Technology
Shipping Address : Sector 39 A Chandigarh 160036 Tel: 91-172-6665243
Comments : Information not entered/not applicable.
CFG Core : H
Resource Type : MicroArray
Amount Requested : Information not entered/not applicable.
Date that your RNA/GBP samples will be sent to the core [yyyy-mm-dd] : 2014-02-20
Experiment to be conducted : We are working on a Streptosporangium roseum fucosidase protein containing a fucosidase domain, an NPCBM domain and an F-type lectin domain. We have demonstrated fucose binding of the recombinantly expressed protein through hemagglutination assays. We would like to use glycan array screening in order to (1) establish the oligosaccharide specificity of binding, (2) determine oligosaccharide specificity of binding of wildtype sequence, polypeptide sequence truncated to contain only 1 or 2 of the 3 domains present, and mutants with residues in loops of the F-type lectin domain implicated in fucose binding altered.
Within Scope of Consortium : Y
If yes, indicate the person responsible for inputing data into core B : Ramya TNC
GBP being Addressed : The GBP is his-tagged, and will be detected by mouse anti-His antibody and fluorophore labeled anti-mouse antibody.
Specifc aims being addressed : Define the specificity and affinity for carbohydrate ligands. Identify the ligand(s) that mediate GBP binding.